Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

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Trans Voice Blog

Want to Perfect Your Feminine Phone Voice? Check out these tips!


Making phone calls can be anxiety inducing when you're working on vocal feminization. 

Below are some ways to prepare for a call, and So before you call, try the following tips.



Before the Phone Call

Relax Your Body

Tension in the body can lead to less relaxed breaths. In terms of vocal feminization, this can affect vocal weight, pitch, and intonation. A heavier vocal weight can result from shallow, tense breaths. A lowering of your desired pitch range and less movement in intonation can result when your breath is more shallow, as well.

Try some neck rolls, a full body stretch, or some deep, relaxed breaths before your call. 

Warm up Your Voice 

Doing a few vocal warm ups will help you both physically and mentally. SOVT exercises will help your voice feel easy, light, and help keep your resonance forward. Doing vocal warm ups will also help to remind you to focus on your voice.

Try some cup bubble glides for 1 minute before your call. 

Visualize Yourself on the Call

Visualization can be a powerful tool as you prepare for your call. Imagine your voice feeling light, easy, and feminine. Imagine a good feeling as you’re on the call. Imagine a feeling of accomplishment and gender affirmation after you get off the call. 

Do Pre-Call Exercises

  • Breath

Take a deep breath in, and let out a big sigh. Imagine your air as a circle that never stops. Don't hold your breath in between inhaling and exhaling. Do this 3 times.

  • Vocal Weight

Say “awww”, like you’re looking at a cute kitten. This will help to lighten your vocal weight. Do this 3 times.

  • Resonance

Now say “mee-mee-mee” to bring your resonance and vowels forward.

Now say, “aww, mee-mee-mee” and follow that with the first thing you plan to say on the call. 

For example, "Aww, mee-mee-mee, Hi, I'm calling to make an appointment".

Repeat as needed. 

  • Intonation 

Repeat the first thing you plan to say on the call, moving your intonation up and down. Maintain your desired pitch range. 

Repeat as needed.

On the Call 

Have a Touchstone

Grab a pen, a guitar pick, a quarter - anything you have around - and use it as your touchstone. Hold this item as you call. Let it be a reminder to you to slow down your breath, relax, and focus on whatever elements are most important to you with your voice. 

Be Confident

Confidence is built by putting yourself in new situations and proving to yourself that you can get through them. Even if things don’t go perfectly, try to take something away from each call that you make.

You’ve got this!! Get out there and try these tips.