Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

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Trans Voice Blog

Master Your Feminine Singing Voice with 3 Easy Tips!


So you want a feminine singing voice? 

Check out these 3 easy tips below!

Release Tension

The first step in having a feminine singing voice is becoming aware of any tension you have around your voice. When the muscles in and around the vocal mechanism are tense, it makes it harder to reach higher pitches or achieve a resonant voice. 

Some common places to feel tension are in the jaw, the tongue, and in the neck. 

  • Release Your Jaw

Move your jaw in a big chewing motion, like you’re a cow eating grass. 

  • Release Your Tongue

Stick your tongue out as far as it will go. Feel a stretch in the back of the tongue. 

  • Release Your Neck Muscles

Pull your head toward one shoulder, then to the other. Repeat as needed. 

Warm Up Your Entire Range


When you think of feminizing your voice, you might first think of being able to sing higher pitches

In order to reach higher pitches, it’s actually important to warm up your entire vocal range. That means extending to your low notes, too (if you’re comfortable doing that).

It’s like working out. We don’t want to only focus only on our biceps. We want to focus on the full body to really experience the benefit of exercise. 

Using some type of semi-occluded vocal tract exercise, like a lip trill, warm up all parts of your range. 

Brighten Vowels 


The sound quality of vowel sounds can be a big factor in gender perception of voices. 

Brighter vowels are more feminine perceived, while darker vowels are more masculine perceived. 

High, front vowels like “ee” are brighter, meaning higher frequencies are amplified as you sing them. 

Low, back vowels like “aw”, “uh”, or “oh”, are darker, meaning lower frequencies are amplified as you sing. 

As you’re singing, try bringing your “back” vowels more forward by using a slight tongue lift, similar to the “ee” tongue position. 

Ready to feminize your singing voice?