Feminine Voice Training: How to Know If You're Using Resonance or Pitch
Q: How do I know when I am changing resonance vs. pitch?
When working on voice training, especially in a gender-affirming context, distinguishing between resonance and pitch is essential for achieving your desired vocal qualities. While many people initially focus on pitch—assuming that a higher or lower voice automatically aligns with a particular gendered sound—resonance plays a crucial role in shaping how the voice is perceived.
Learning to manipulate both resonance and pitch separately and together allows for greater vocal flexibility and control.
This article will break down the differences between resonance and pitch, how they feel, and how you can recognize and experiment with them in your own voice.
What It Is
Pitch refers to the highness or lowness of your voice, determined by the frequency at which your vocal folds vibrate. The faster the vibration, the higher the pitch; the slower the vibration, the lower the pitch. Pitch is measured in Hertz (Hz) and can also be identified by musical note names, such as A3 or C5.
How It Feels
When adjusting pitch, you may feel a sense of "climbing" or "descending" in your throat. This happens because the vocal folds stretch and tense to create higher pitches and shorten and relax for lower pitches. Pitch adjustments often feel like a direct manipulation of the vocal cords themselves rather than the placement of the sound within your vocal tract.
How to Recognize It
A simple way to recognize pitch is to sing or speak in different registers, moving up or down in tone. Use a piano, keyboard app, or a pitch analysis tool like Voice Tools to help you track your pitch changes. This can help you develop an awareness of how high or low your voice is at any given moment.
What It Is
Resonance refers to the sound quality of your voice—how the sound reverberates within the vocal tract. Unlike pitch, which is controlled by the vocal folds, resonance is shaped by the size, shape, and movement of your throat, mouth, and nasal cavities. The way you modify these spaces affects whether your voice sounds light, bright, and forward or deep, full, and rich.
How It Feels
Resonance is often described as a sensation of vibration in different areas of the body:
A "brighter" or "lighter" resonance, often associated with a more feminine vocal quality, can be felt more in the mouth and nasal passages.
A "deeper" or "fuller" resonance, often associated with a more masculine vocal quality, can be felt more in the throat and chest.
By shifting where you feel these vibrations, you can adjust your voice’s perceived gender without significantly changing pitch.
How to Recognize It
One simple way to explore resonance is through saying different vowels. Try saying “mee”, then “mah” and notice what changes you feel in your throat and mouth. “Ee” is a bright, forward vowel, while “ah” is a darker vowel. Notice if you feel different sensations in your body. Notice how the tone quality changes even if the pitch remains the same.
Distinguishing Between Pitch and Resonance
To develop a deeper understanding of the distinction between pitch and resonance, try these exercises:
Hold a Steady Pitch – Pick a single note and maintain it while focusing on shifting the resonance forward or backward. You can do this by saying or singing “ee” and “ah” on the same pitch. Use your pitch app to make sure you’re on the same note. Notice how the quality of your voice changes even though the pitch stays the same.
Shift Resonance Without Changing Pitch – Speak or sing the phrase “monday morning” at one pitch. Experiment with different placements, making the sound brighter and lighter or deeper and fuller. You can imagine you have a grapefruit in your mouth or like you’re a little kid.
Change Pitch While Maintaining Resonance – Once you have control over resonance, try adjusting your pitch up and down while keeping the same resonance placement. This will highlight how pitch and resonance operate separately.
Mastering the difference between pitch and resonance is key to developing control over your voice and shaping it in a way that aligns with your goals. While pitch determines how high or low your voice sounds, resonance influences its tone quality and perceived gender.
By practicing exercises that isolate and explore these elements, you can develop a more authentic and expressive voice. Understanding these concepts will empower you to make intentional vocal choices, allowing you to confidently find and refine your unique voice.
Ready to work on your voice? Try the True Voice Vocal Feminization E-Course. This comprehensive course offers expert guidance, practical exercises, and personalized support that will help you master the vocal feminization techniques to get you to your goals.