Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

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Trans Voice Blog

3 Ways to Get in Touch with Body Sensations for Vocal Feminization


Ready to connect with your body on a deeper level?

Working on vocal feminization requires a body awareness that doesn’t always come naturally. Since we can’t see the vocal cords, we have to make changes in the voice based on how it feels. 

So below, I’m going to share 3 ways to get more in touch with the sensations in your body so that you can be more successful in your vocal feminization training. 

1. Body Scan Meditation

Body scan meditations can be a super helpful way to get more in touch with your body sensation. In these meditations, the practitioner will guide you to you notice each part of your body. 

You might notice tension that you never realized was there. Or you might feel like you can let go of some of the anxiety you have around voice training. 

2. Yoga

Yoga is another great way to get in touch with your body sensations. While there are many different types of yoga, movement, breath, and stillness are components of any practice. 

Yin yoga is a great restorative type of yoga if you’re interested in a deep stretch or a meditative practice. 

Vinyasa yoga is typically faster paced and offers more of a “work out”. As in all yoga, breath is connected to movement, which can help you connect more with your body. 

Kundalini yoga is very focused on breath and core work, and could be a great option if you’re wanting a more intense practice. 

walking meditation for vocal feminization

3. Walking 

Walking is another great way to get in touch with your body. You can notice how your feet feel on the ground, how the wind feels on your skin, what smells you experience. 

Try putting a walking meditation on in your headphones as you go for a walk. Notice your body. Notice what’s around you. 

Getting in touch with your body is so important for vocal feminization. Try these 3 options, and let me know what you think!

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