Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

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Trans Voice Blog

3 Reasons to Try Meditation for Vocal Feminization


Meditation can be a great addition to your vocal warm ups. 

Below are 3 reasons to give it a try! 

self awareness for vocal feminization

Self Awareness

Meditation helps you to be more in tune with yourself. 

Body scan meditations help you to get more in touch with your body. Understanding your body sensations will help you to get to know your voice better. 

being in the moment vocal feminization

Be in the moment

It’s easy to get lost in thought. A lot of worries can come up throughout voice training. 

Worrying about whether or not voice training will work for you in the future can derail your progress now. 

Mindfulness meditations can help you to be grounded in the present moment. When you’re more present, you’re not worried about the past or the future. 

reduce stress for vocal feminization

Reduce stress

I’m sure you have stressors in your life - we all do. And that stress can manifest itself in the muscles around the larynx. 

By meditating, you can reduce your stress, and lessen the tightness in your muscles associated with speaking. 


So, you’ve got 3 good reasons to give meditation a try. Give these a go and let me know how they go for you!

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