Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

Trans Voice Blog

Trans Voice Blog

How to Transform Your Voice from Androgynous to Feminine


In the midst of your vocal feminization process, you might hit a plateau where you feel like your voice is androgynous. 

If you want to take your voice from androgynous to feminine, I have 3 tips I want to share to help get you there! 

1. Feminine Forward Resonance 

Sometimes androgynous voices sound like they are further back in the throat. More feminine voices are often more forward in resonance

So, one way to bring your resonance forward is to hum. When you hum, all the sound travels through your nasal cavity. By noticing this forward feeling, you can start to bring that forward feeling into everything you say. 

2. Feminine Vocal Weight 

Heavy vocal weight can be an indicator of an androgynous voice. If your voice feels like it’s in your chest, or you feel like it’s “boomy”, lightening your vocal weight might be something to explore.

Try saying “aw”, like you’re looking at a cute cat. This is a light vocal weight. 

Try saying “aw” before you say the days of the week, and keep the vocal weight light. 

3. Feminine Pitch Range

A lower pitch range could result in an androgynous-perceived voice. 

Pitch certainly isn’t everything in vocal feminization, but it can play a part. Play around with a pitch range close to 165 hz. This can help to feminize your voice. 


There isn’t just one thing that can change your voice from androgynous to feminine. There could be a variety of factors. Play around with these tips, and let me know how it goes!

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