Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

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Trans Voice Blog

Does Yoga Improve Singing? Honest Review of Vox Yoga's Routine


Have you ever considered that voice training isn’t just about vocal exercises? 

Things that are good for your overall health are good for your singing voice. 

I checked out a YouTuber, Rosie at Vox Yoga, who combines both voice work and yoga. I tried one of her videos, and below, I share what I thought! 

yoga for voice

Combining Yoga and Voice Training

I tried Rosie’s Reconnect to Your Voice video because I saw that it combined some voicework in with the slow yoga flow. 


She had a drone going all throughout the class, and we’d pause in each pose to spend some time vocalizing along with the drone. I personally loved this. As a singer, I’m always singing upright, and it was interesting to feel the sensation of phonating while in different positions. 

The pacing of the video was lovely, and at 20 minutes, it was just enough time to feel like I could get into it and get something out of it. And I loved that it was short, so I could carry on with my day, too. 

Rosie is great at cueing, and has a really soothing voice, which I really loved. 

I would definitely recommend this video and her channel to people who are struggling to connect with the sensations in their bodies around the voice. 

This mind-body connection is something that I focus on in my own life, and with my students. 

Highly recommend it!

Olivia FlaniganComment