Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

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Trans Voice Blog

Gender Affirming Voice: Breathy Voice?? Try these 3 Exercises for a Stronger Sound


Does your voice feel weak? Do you hear a lot of rasp or breathiness in your tone quality?

Let’s talk about it!

First, WHY do we get a breathy voice?

The vocal folds, two bands of tissue, vibrate together as air passes through them - hundreds of times per second. When the two bands are coming together completely with each cycle, our voice will sound clear and healthy.

When the vocal folds are not completely closing, some air passes through and we get a breathy sound quality.

Now, if you’re working on vocal feminization, a breathy or raspy sound might be something you like - and that’s okay. As long as it’s not a chronic, involuntary type of rasp, it can work for some people.

Why don’t we want a breathy voice?

When you do have a chronically breathy voice that you can’t control, it means that your vocal folds aren’t able to do their job properly. Often times this means that muscles around the larynx, or the voice box, are trying to do the work the vocal folds should be doing, and the vocal folds aren’t getting stronger.

What can we do to get rid of a breathy voice?

In order to get rid of the breathiness, you can do exercises that promote more vocal fold closure. By doing these exercises, you are training your vocal folds to work more efficiently and do their job themselves.


1. Mm-mm-mm!

Try saying, “mm, mm, mmmm!”, like you’re enjoying something to eat. Each time you start the sound, your vocal folds are closing and coming apart in a “glottal” attack. Glottal comes from glottis, which is the space between the focal folds.

Now try saying the days of the week. Do you notice any difference?

2. Vocal Fry

Vocal fry is the lowest register of the voice and also called creaky voice. The vocal folds are loose with low breath flow in this register, and the vocal folds will be relaxed and able to close easily.

Try making a vocal fry sound followed by any pitch. Try saying the days of the week. Is your voice less breathy?

3. Breath Flow

Proper breath flow is also very important to a clear sounding voice. When the breath support isn’t there, other muscles will try to “help out”, resulting in less strength in the vocal folds.

Put a hand on your belly and breathe in. As you breath out, imagine that you’re blowing out a candle. Become aware of how your belly moves in as you blow out, and how it extends as you breathe in.

Try taking a good breath and saying the days of the week. How does that feel?