Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

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Trans Voice Blog

3 Reasons You Think Your Voice Sounds "Fake": Vocal Feminization


Through voice training, it’s absolutely possible to achieve a voice that sounds and feels natural and easy

In the beginning stages of voice training, the new techniques you’re learning might feel awkward, and sound “fake” to your ear. 

This can happen for a number of reasons.

1. You need time to adjust

You’re just getting used to hearing your voice in a new and different way. You’ve gone your whole life hearing your voice the same way. So hearing different sounds can feel foreign and strange. 

2. You’re not in the sweet spot, yet

When you’re learning a new technique for the first time, you won’t have landed exactly where you want to be with that element right away. It takes time to find the sweet spot that works for you. So it might take time to land somewhere that feels comfortable and natural to you.

3. Your emotions need to catch up

Sometimes your brain needs time to catch up to your ears. As a teacher, there are times that I hear new sounds coming from my clients that they can’t recognize. So, you might be stuck thinking that change isn’t possible for you, and that leads you to resist the fact that you might actually be making progress.

Give yourself permission to explore sounds without worrying about the end result. Getting to know your voice will help you achieve a more natural sound quality. 

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