Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher



OOVO Sing Ring Review: Is it worth the money?


Okay, I’m back in action and ready to review my second SOVTE product! In case you missed it, I reviewed the Singing Straw a couple weeks ago. Check out my blog to see what I thought.

The OOVO Sing Ring came to my attention when one of my students bought it. She seemed to like it, so I decided to try it myself. 

Keep reading to find out what I found! 

What are the OOVO Sing Ring Products?

OOVO has two different products. 

The first is the Sing Ring. It retails for $49 and comes with a zippable case and a carabiner. 


The Sing Ring is made of brass and has three holes you can cover up to change the resistance. You have 4 different resistance options depending on how many holes you cover up. 

On the website, they describe all the different kinds of voice users that might benefit from the product - singers, people who use their voice for work all day, people in voice therapy, etc. 

The second product is the OOVO Vocal Straw Necklace. It comes in sterling silver, sterling silver with gold vermeil, and sterling silver with rose gold vermeil. The sterling silver is $99, and the vermeil versions are $129. 


It seems like they’re trying to market the necklace as more of a “pro” product, much like the Singing Straw people have done with the Singing Straw Pro. 

What do I think of the OOVO Sing Ring?

I only purchased the original Sing Ring. I couldn’t bring myself to fork over the cash for the necklace. 

I like the product overall. I like that it has different resistance options and that it’s easy to throw in your bag and keep with you everywhere. 

I do like what they have on their website about exercises, how often to do them, and what it will do for your voice. I would love to see more about how they developed the product. 

They don’t include diameter information. I’d love to know what the actual difference is when you cover one hole, two, or three. 

Much like the Singing Straw, I feel this product is overpriced. Especially the necklaces. If I were to continue to compare it with the Singing Straw, I don’t really love the feel of this. It feels kind of like a kazoo, and I don’t like having to cover the holes. I find myself overly squeezing my fingers over the holes. 


Overall, I think the Sing Ring is okay! It does what it says it will do. The original one is in the same price range as comparable products on the market. Although I wouldn’t discourage anyone from buying this if they were interested and had the cash lying around, I definitely don’t think this is a necessary purchase. 

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