Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher



3 Things to Never do When Voice Training: Gender Affirming Voice


It’s easy to get bogged down in all the things that you should be doing when it comes to voice training

But there are also some things that you might be doing that could impede your progress.

So below, I’m going to share 3 things to avoid doing throughout your vocal modification journey.

1. Don’t focus only on the outcome


In voice training, when you’re driven only by the outcome, it can prevent you from actually getting to your goal. 

How can that be??

Well, when you will only be satisfied with your voice being exactly what you want it to be, it’s easy to get frustrated.

Rather than appreciating the progress that you have made, you’ll be upset that you’re not totally where you want to be, yet. 

Voice training really is a journey, so remember to celebrate the small wins along the way. 

2. Don’t focus on your voice being “perfect”

gender affirming voice

It can be difficult to start practicing your voice in conversation if you don’t feel like it’s exactly “right”. 

But practicing in conversation is where you really start to learn about your voice and improve. 

Much like if you’re learning a foreign language, you have to put yourself out of your comfort zone. 

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable! (with people you trust, of course!)

3. Don’t try to cut corners


In voice training, it’s all about creating habits. You’ll create a new habitual speaking range, and a new habitual vocal tract position, for example. 

There really aren’t any shortcuts to making your voice a constant. It takes time, patience, and practice. 


So try not to be tough on yourself (easier said than done…), and give yourself the time and space to really appreciate your progress.

Ready to get started??

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