Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher



Best Step-by-Step Layering Tips for Practice [Building Blocks of Vocal Feminization Part 5/5]


So you’ve already learned about pitch, resonance and inflection - now what?!

Understanding these concepts is one thing, but it’s quite another to put them into practice. 

How to Practice Vocal Feminization 

While there are other elements of vocal feminization that I didn’t cover in this series like vocal weight, projection, and articulation, I’m going to focus on the ones we went over.

It can be challenging to figure out how much practice is too much, or how to create a simple routine. So I’ve created one for you! 

10-Min Vocal Feminization Practice

Warm Up - 2 Minutes

Using your straw in a glass of water, do 30 seconds of single long tones, and 1 minute and 30 seconds of gliding up and down. 


Pitch - 2 Minutes

  • Start by humming your target pitch. Check with Voice Tools to make sure you’re on the right note. (Don’t stress if you’re not EXACTLY on the number of hz, we just want to be in the ballpark!)

  • Monotone on your pitch, say, “mmm-1, mmm-2, mmm-3, mmm-4, mmm-5, mmm-6, mmm-7, mmm-8, mmm-9, mmm-10”.

  • Now try “mmm-12345, mmm-6789 10”.

  • Practice phrases and short sentences by humming your note first, and saying the sentence in a monotone way, kind of like a robot!  

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Resonance - 2 Minutes

  • Do your Big Dog/Small Dog exercise to find your smaller vocal tract. 

  • Say “mee mee mee”, followed by the days of the week. 

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Inflection - 2 Minutes

  • Open Voice Tools to the pitch page. 

  • Try saying the following phrases with the line going up, down, and staying flat. 

    • What’s up?

    • I’m not going.

    • I’ll have an oat milk latte. 

    • Will you be there? 

    • I’ll be there. 

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Layering - 2 Minutes

  • Choose one element and say the following sentences.

    • The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks. 

    • Glue the sheet to the dark blue background. 

    • It's easy to tell the depth of a well.

    • These days a chicken leg is a rare dish. 

    •  Rice is often served in round bowls.

  • Choose another element to layer in and repeat the sentences. 

How much should you practice? 


Doing short practices like this more frequently is going to be more effective than long practice sessions every once in a while. 

10 minutes is enough time to get something done, but short enough that you can convince yourself to just get it over with. Long practice sessions (think 45 minutes - 1 hour) can actually be detrimental to your voice when you’re first starting out. As we introduce new ways of using the voice, we don’t want to tire it out too quickly. We want to strengthen the voice, little by little. 

When you’re first starting out, try for 2 practice sessions per day. From there, try memorizing your pitch and some phrases to practice when you’re driving in the car or cooking dinner. Frequent, short practices are best, even if they’re just 30 seconds! You’re building a habit. 

Practicing In Conversation


Depending on your level of comfort or safety, it may or may not be possible for you to start to implement your voice on a day-to-day basis. 

If you do have supportive friends and family who you feel comfortable practicing with, start trying your new voice out in conversation as soon as you can. The more that you can implement these changes into regular conversational speech, the quicker this process will be for you. 

Waiting until you feel your voice is “perfect” to use it in social situations can keep you from progressing. In practice, you might be reading phrases and sentences. And this is very different from actually having a conversation. 

As you start using your voice in conversation, start by only focusing on one concept, maybe pitch, for example. By focusing on just one element, you are giving yourself the chance to have that element become muscle memory. And that’s what it really takes - thinking about one concept so much until you don’t have to think about them anymore. 

Vocal Feminization Conversation Practice

  • Take yourself on a date. Go to your favorite coffee shop, restaurant, or book store. Use your new voice as you speak to the employees. 

  • Write down your reflections. 

Want some 1-on-1 Feedback?

Now you’ve got some tricks up your sleeve - the foundations of vocal feminization - and you’ve got some ways to practice. 

Feeling like you need some support?? Want to learn more about putting it all together? 

Sign up for a private session or my 8-Week Vocal Feminization Group Class, starting Thursday, February, 1, 2024

Olivia FlaniganComment