Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher



3 Ways to Use a Straw for Vocal Feminization


Are you working on feminizing your voice?

Straw phonation, or the production of sound, is great for vocal feminization!

Using a straw to warm up is a type of semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, or SOVTs. Semi-occluded refers to your mouth being mostly closed. Sounds like  “oo”, “nn”, “mm”, “vv” are other examples of SOVTs.

Why are SOVTs beneficial? As we make a sound, we have pressure coming up from the lungs, and also pressure being reflected back at the vocal folds from our partially closed lips. This creates a kind of cushion on the vocal folds so that they don’t need to work as hard to phonate. The vocal folds are able to vibrate more efficiently, and it also opens the back of the throat which relaxes the larynx, which is the cartilage structure that houses the vocal folds.

Check out three ways you can use a straw for vocal feminization below!

  1. Warm Up!

    Hum into the straw like a kazoo, with your mouth completely closed around the straw, and hold one note. Feel the vibrations on your lips.

    Then slide from your lowest pitch to your highest pitch. Try this 5 times.

    Slide from your highest pitch to your lowest pitch. Try this 5 times.

    Slide from low to high, back to low, all on one breath. Try this 5 times.

  2. Find a Brighter/More Feminine Resonance

    Using a straw is a great way to work on resonance! Hum your target pitch into the straw and focus on the feeling of vibrations in your lips. Imagine continuing that forward feeling as you take the straw out of your mouth and say “Hi”, or other practice sentences you’re working on, with your forward, bright resonance.

  3. Find a Lighter/More Feminine Vocal Weight

    Find a lighter vocal weight by humming your target pitch into the straw and feel how light and easy your voice is with the straw. Take the straw out of your mouth and say your practice sentences, keeping the same, light vocal weight.

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