Voice Professional, Trans Voice Teacher

Vocal Feminization Group Classes


Vocal FEminization Group Classes


Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the power of your voice? My 8-Week Vocal Feminization Group Class is the key to unveiling the most authentic and confident version of yourself. 

Our next group classes will begin Thursday, February 1, 2024 (evening), and Friday, February, 2, 2024 (daytime).

Here's why you can't miss this opportunity:

Week 1 - Build the Foundations

Learn proper vocal hygiene, how to breathe to support your new voice, and how to warm up your voice for maximum efficiency and ease. You’ll also learn the basics of vocal anatomy. 

Week 2 - Find Your Feminine Resonance 

Feminine resonance is arguably the most important facet of vocal feminization. In week 2, you’ll learn to change the placement of your resonance, how to feel the difference, how to hear the difference in voices you hear. 

Week 3 - Brighten Your Vowels 

Week 3 is all about changing the shape of the vocal tract to achieve a brighter, more feminine sound quality. This week, you will become aware of how your vocal mechanism works to create colors in the voice, what your habits are.

Week 4 - Master Your Pitch and Intonation

Discover your current pitch range, learn about feminine perceived pitch ranges (and why you should take them with a grain of salt), and understand and implement different intonation patterns.


Express your voice with confidence!

Olivia is an expert instructor who will guide you through a journey of self-discovery, tailored to feminizing your voice and empowering your true expression.


Week 5 - Practice 

Review resonance, pitch, and intonation. There will be time to ask questions, learn from your peers, and practice with partners. 

Week 6 - Vocal Weight and Articulation 

Discover the magic of a lighter vocal weight and articulation style. 

Week 7 - Finishing Touches

Refine your voice by learning vocal feminization techniques for coughing, laughing, and projection.

Week 8 - Putting It All Together

Express your voice with confidence as we layer different vocal feminization techniques. 

Client Testimonials


What makes this course unique?

Expert Guidance: Olivia is a highly trained voice teacher who has helped hundreds of vocal feminization clients over the past 6 years. She regularly speaks at music conferences and universities, sharing her teaching methods. She is a passionate LGBTQIA+ ally who has been teaching voice for over a decade. She brings expertise and unwavering support to you on your journey.

Inclusive Community: Join an inclusive and fun community of people who share similar goals. Connect, share experiences and tips, and grow together as you embark on this journey of empowerment. 

Personalized Feedback: Receive personalized feedback and guidance from Olivia throughout the course. The small group environment ensures your understanding of the concepts and your progress is prioritized, and your learning experience is tailored to your unique needs. 

Easy-to-Understand Materials: Receive handouts and informational videos so you can review what we covered throughout the week.

Real-Life Application: This group class is filled with practical exercises and easy-to-follow homework assignments, preparing you to apply your newfound skills confidently in real-world scenarios right away. 

Confidence and Empowerment: Beyond transforming your voice, this course empowers you to express your authentic self in all aspects of your life. 

Safe and Inclusive Environment: Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to explore your true voice, embrace your identity, and reveal the confident, empowered you along with a supportive cohort! 

Enroll in my 8-Week Vocal Feminization Group Class and let your true voice shine! 

trans voice lessons
Olivia has many qualities that make her an excellent instructor. Patience, kindness, and sense of humor are chief among them. You will feel respected and comfortable around her. Her musical knowledge and talent, as well as her voice training experience, allow her to instruct on the mechanics of finding and using your voice. When a problem arises she is eager to find a solution. The process certainly worked for me; I would highly recommend her as an instructor!
— Samantha, Trans Voice Client of 9 months


Confidentiality and trust are of the utmost importance during this process. All group classes take place via Zoom, which means that you’re able to work on your voice from the comfort of your own space. I will not record our sessions.

Working with Olivia was a true pleasure. She is a kind teacher who worked with me to reach my voice goals. Starting out I was anxious about the changes in my voice and how people would react. With Olivia’s patient teaching I have been able to find joy in developing my true voice and using it.
— Emily , Trans Voice Client of 6 months
gender affirming online voice lesson

What can i expect from my first group class?

In our first class, we’ll take some time to break the ice and share a little about ourselves. It’s important to me that you feel comfortable and supported throughout these 8 weeks. If you’d rather not share, that’s okay, too!
Next we’ll talk through the curriculum and start going through vocal hygiene, warmups, and breath.

online zoom trans voice lesson
I worked with Olivia for about a year. I’m trans and wanted my voice to line up more with who I am and wanted to work with a coach who was familiar with trans clients. When I started working with her, I’d had voice training previously, but had lost a lot of ground and gotten really out of practice. Olivia is a fantastic teacher and listened to my questions, and was able to provide detailed answers, feedback, and showed me how to consistently apply the principles we were working on. I am much more confident with how my voice sounds now, and I’m more aware of how people form and shape their voices. I’d recommend working with Olivia to anyone starting out and looking for a really excellent coach or to anyone returning after they’ve taken a break or been unable to practice.
— Cass, Trans Voice Client of 1 Year

tools for online

vocal feminization group classes


To get the most out of online lessons, I recommend the following tools:

  • A laptop, tablet, or phone with Zoom downloaded

  • Reliable internet connection

  • Pitch App

  • Recording App

  • A quiet, safe space to make sounds

  • Headphones (optional)

  • An external mic (optional)

  • A straw (optional for warming up!)

I started seeing Olivia via Zoom in July. My voice was not passing at all and I heard of some people developing bad habits that can hurt their vocal cords through YouTube voice feminization videos. While it took a few months for me to start training my voice to hit different tones and resonance, and I definitely was frustrated early on (why wouldn’t my voice improve dramatically after several hours of lessons with very little practice in between?!). So I started practicing more outside of lessons and finally found the time to do the homework that Olivia instructed me to do. She would review the recordings I sent to her before the meeting and provided valuable feedback.

Since my last session about a year ago, I’ve only been misgendered once on the phone that wasn’t due to my deadname. I highly recommend Olivia as not only is she a very effective teacher, she’s also funny and interesting to talk to! My advice is to seriously follow her homework as much as you can! I noticed a drastic change in the rate of improving my voice after I made time :).
— Skylar, Trans Voice Client of 1 year


  • Group classes are $499 for eight 60-minute classes.

  • Lessons cost $100 for 45-minutes.

  • Results happen differently for each person! Some might feel a huge change after a month or two, and others might stay for 6-12 months.

    To get the best results, it’s important to be able to set aside the time for practice outside of lessons.

  • No, unfortunately, I can’t take insurance. If your insurance will cover your voice training, you’ll need to work with a licensed Speech Language Pathologist. If you need a recommendation, I’m happy to provide you with a referral!

  • I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, you will be charged the full lesson fee.

  • I recommend weekly or bi-weekly lessons, depending on your schedule, budget, and practice regimen.

  • Trans voice lessons work great in an online format! It is a wonderful way to be able to work privately and from the comfort of your own space.

    Make sure your device is all charged up, check your internet connection, and find a quiet space!

  • After you’ve selected and confirmed your lesson time, you’ll get an email with the Zoom link for our session. You’ll also receive a reminder email 24 hours before our lesson with the Zoom link, as well.

    • A laptop, tablet, or phone with Zoom downloaded

    • Reliable internet connection

    • Pitch App

    • Recording App

    • A quiet, safe space to make sounds

    • Headphones (optional)

    • An external mic (optional)

    • A straw (for warming up!)